I had Crystal Clear Oxygen facial this month.  The treatment combines Crystal Clear Micro-Dermabrasion, which is a vacuuming action to stimulate collagen and cell production.  After, collagen ampule was put on my face. By using the Crystal Clear Oxygen machine to blown deep down the collagen into my skin with blast of pure oxygen, collagen mask was put on straight after by using the same method. 

This is the second week of short course of five treatments. On the first week after the treatment I have noticed that my skin looked more plumped, smooth and radiant.  On the second day of the treatment, I felt that it increases the firmness of my skin. 

I liked this shoes so much that I bought another in black colour.  Soft and comfortable.  

Clarks Freckle Ice
New summer perfume for me.  Light but not to sweet.

Cartier Goutte De Rose
I get excited with this swimming cap that I bought from online shopping. Haven't got a chance to try it yet. Easy to put on but I'm not sure if water will leak in when I swim.  I will give it a go.

Blue Flower Latex Vintage Style - Amazon
It is very exciting as summer almost approaching.  A lot of  colourful clothing with beautiful designs.  I haven't been shopping for a while but now I am looking forward to renew my clothing.  I mostly shopping at my favourite shops, at the same time I am visiting other shops to move away from my comfort zone, which means trying something new!
Got something I like. Very basic and comfortable to wear. Nice gingham too.

Gingham Shirt Topshop